

It has recently become obvious to me that some of my faithful readers have grown weary by my continual drab comments and useless information.  So, as a public service, I want to give you'all a viable alternative - - podcasts. 

There are a zillion podcasts out there; all free of charge, many with extraordinary information and insight.  You don't even have to give them your full attention - they can just play in your ear off your smart phone or iPad as you do other things or play in the car as you drive.  You're really missing a great opportunity if you're not listening to a podcast or two. 

My daughter first got me interested in podcasts with the famous "Serial" podcast about the murder of a high school girl in Baltimore.  Her boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was convicted of the crime.  The retracing of the circumstances surrounding the murder and the subsequent investigation and trial were mesmerizing.  If you haven't  listened, search in podcasts for "Serial".   I followed that up with three similar podcasts; one a murder of a lady in Texas, another a robbery in Texas and then the murders of three boys in West Memphis, Arkansas.  I also followed a similar case on a podcast by the Cincinnati Enquirer about the murder of a co-ed at Miami University on "Accused" - very interesting. 

Those got me deep into podcasts; here are some that keep me there.   "Revisionist History" by Malcom Gladwell - don't miss it.  Go back and listen to all the old episodes.  "John Batchler" gives you exerts from his radio interview show.  It comes in short clips, which is good.  He and his friends are the best of interviewers about many subjects including current events, politics, and history.  "Stuff you should know" gives you interesting information about a myriad of subjects.  You can search through their menu and pick the ones that interest you.  The two guys who do the show are a kick.  There are over a half dozen podcasts on local sports teams but my favorites are Dan Hoard's "Bengals Booth Podcast" and "The Skinny Podcast" of Local 12 which specializes in college basketball but hits all local sports in season.

I've reached my limit on words, so "Goodbye" for today.  Thanks for reading.  Leave a comment if you can. 


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