

Now is an interesting and elusive word.  I've given it a lot of thought, recently.

It is usually a period of time. . .maybe just a moment.  It is the transitional time when the future becomes the past.  It is what is after the past and before the future.  It is after before and before afterward.  Enough. 

How really long is it?  That depends.  Sometimes now is only an instant and at others it can mean minutes, hours, or days.  When your boss says, "Do it now!" it means in this instant.  When the repairman answers,  "You want it when?"  he thought you meant in this instant but he knows nothing gets done that fast.  When a politician says "We are going to do this now." he probably means some time before the next election. 

Not every time you hear now does it have to do with time.  Sometimes it has to do with Women.  They have their own National Organization you know. 

This discussion reminds me, why does gaining that 'K' turn now into know?  and why does losing the 'W' turn now into no?  No, now I don't know. 

I thought that that was all there was to know about now but now I'm convinced there is much more.  I listened to one of my parents old musical standards yesterday and came to the conclusion that there is something anatomical about it.  The song was "I wonder who's kissing her now."  I'm searching my anatomy books looking for the "now". 

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