

This week we have reading from the Prophet Ezekiel, from a letter of Paul, and from the Gospel of Mark.  Three readings regarding prophecy and preaching. 

In Ezekiel, God instructs the prophet on how to approach the Israelites so that they would know he was sent from God.  God's instruction was to say that he was speaking God's words and not his own.

In the letter of Paul, he tells of his problems in teaching the way of God.  He advises that it is wrong to try and be stronger than those to whom you are speaking; you will likely never be stronger.  It is not necessary to be stronger to teach.  You will find strength in your weakness.

In Mark's gospel reading, Jesus travels to His home and preaches in the synagogue there.  Oddly, His words are received with doubt and not totally accepted - not accepted like in other parts of the country.  Jesus tells us that this is not strange but normal.  It is more difficult to teach to those who think they know you.  His Apostles took this advice after His death and dispersed around the world.  For us, we should not be discouraged if those close to us do not believe what we say.  Do not be discouraged.

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