

A short while ago, I was talking about the wonders of the world.  I promised to give my take and here it is.
  • Airplanes!  I've flown hundreds of times and I'm still amazed at how they get up and stay up in the air.  What a miracle.
  • Electricity!  I've been shocked hundreds of times and I'm still amazed at how that power sneaks through that small wire.  What a miracle.
  • Microwave Ovens!  I've used one hundreds of times and I'm still amazed at how that stuff in there gets hot.  What a miracle.
  • Babies!  I know what it says in the medical books and I've gone through the procedure hundreds of times but I'm still amazed at what comes out.  What a miracle.  Only God could make this miracle.
As for the wonders in America, the faces on the side of Mount Rushmore are a wonder but more so the men who hung up there and carved them.  The Golden Gate Bridge is a wonder but more so are the men who paint it every day.  The Empire State Building is a wonder but more so the guys who clean the windows.  Do you get the picture . . . they call it acrophobia!

Attention football fanatics:  wonder about this . . . Miami favored by 1-1/2 over UC Bearcats and Colts favored by 3 over Bengals this weekend.

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