

It's one month and one week until Christmas today - just 37 days.  One of the great new Cincinnati traditions is the display put on by the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens each Christmas season.  It runs seven days a week, in the evening, from now through New Years Day - except for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  It was voted tops in the country.

I was at the zoo recently for the first time in quite a while.  It made an impression on me how much the foliage had grown up over the years.  I didn't remember it as it is now.  When you walk the paths, most are lined with trees and shrubs that are well over your head.  It's a paradise.  When I was there, zoo workers were stringing the lights for the display.  The lights now number over 3 million.  Other lights are placed within groves of trees to give a glow to the dense woods.

Pick a night when it's not too awfully cold, wear comfortable shoes and drink some cocoa.  Take a friend who will keep you warm.  It will be a breathtaking walk.   The animals may look at you the way you usually look at them.

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