

The gospel reading this week is from Mark chapter 12.  Jesus is teaching us about humility.  It is so easy to tell yourself to be humble but often so hard to follow through.  We humans crave adulation.

In our previous readings from Mark, we had the Apostles wanting to be closest to Jesus, to be thought of as the best of the Apostles, and to have a high place in Heaven and seated next to Jesus.  None of these were humble aspirations.  Once, Jesus hit them with "the first shall be last and the last shall be first."  Another time, He flat out told them they didn't know what they were asking.  It was hard for them to be humble or even get the idea that it is good to be humble.

This week, Jesus uses a very poor lady as an example of humility to his Apostles - not only humility but the charity side of love.  He compared her to the Scribes (teachers of the Law) who prance around town in their clerical robes seeking attention; oohs and ahs from the locals.  It made them feel good.  He compared her to the rich who grandiosely dropped large amounts of cash into the temple coffers hoping to be seen. 

You see, the poor lady sheepishly dropped just a pittance into the coffers but it was all she had.  A double lesson was given.  Love your neighbor by giving to the church treasury and be humble about doing it.  Lord let us be humble and loving. 

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