

At Catholic mass this weekend, you will hear a short passage from the beginning of the Gospel according to Luke.  In it, he addresses his writing to Theopholus.  We're not sure if this is a person or a general address to the faithful as the translation of Theopholus is "Friend of God."  In any case, Luke points out that he is attempting to write a story that puts everything in it's proper order.  He wrote after the other gospels were written.

In the balance of the reading, Luke goes on to say that Jesus told those listening to Him in the temple that He was the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy; that, indeed, He was the one to come.  Wow, Friend of God, can you handle that?  This man says that He is the one.  Period!   More to follow!

The new testament reading is from Paul's letter to the people of Corinth.  In it, he goes to great lengths to point out that our body is made up of many different parts; all different but all needed.  So, get this, we are all part of the body of God; all different and all needed.  Yes, you are a part of God's body.  The unspoken conclusion; Conduct yourself as such.

The first reading comes from the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.  This reading is a mirror of today's Gospel.  Ezra was reading from their book of laws to all the people.  He told those listening to him to be joyful in the law and not sad.  The law may be difficult but we should rejoice that we have it.  And so it is.

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