

Our city lies hard upon the Ohio River.  Here are few facts about the river to dazzle your noggin.

The Ohio is formed by the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers at Pittsburgh, PA.  The river ends at Cairo, IL as it empties into the Mississippi River some 981 miles from Three Rivers Stadium.  The average depth of the river in pool is 24 feet with the deepest spot being near Louisville  at 132 feet deep.  It is a mile wide down near Paducah, Kentucky at the Smithland Dam.  In all, there are 20 dams and 49 power generating stations along the river. 

Now for some fishy facts.  There are quite a few fish in the river; contests are held and records kept.  I always heard about channel catfish dominating the waters - the record single catch is a 32 pounder.  Hold on tight!  There have also been caught and recorded;  a 35 lb striped bass, a 40 lb long nosed gar, a 104 lb blue catfish and a 106 lb paddlefish.  I know very little about fish - but they sound enormous to me.  I used to water ski in this river - no more.

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