

Maybe, the most notable event during WWII in Europe was the landing in Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944.  Allied troops numbering 156,000 landed on five different beaches in the Normandy area of France and were met with stiff resistance from established German positions.  The battle figures total 4,414 killed and about 5,600 wounded - devastating numbers to be sure.

Not so widely known is another beach assault made by the Allies in January 1944.  American, English and Canadian soldiers stormed Anzio beach in Italy with the intent of capturing Rome from the Axis troops - mostly Germans by this time.  Not until the day before the Normandy landings, four months later, did the Allies completely capture Rome.  At Anzio, 36,000 soldiers took part in the beach landing with 124,000 following up with the march to Rome.  The battle figures here total 7,000 killed and 36,000 wounded or missing.  Also devastating and a huge price to pay. 

The beach attack in Italy was a test for procedure in preparation for the Normandy landings.  Because we caught the Germans by surprise, the landing troops in Italy met little resistance.  An aggressive commander could have pushed on to Rome immediately.  Sadly, he chose to wait and consolidate all Allied forces.  This gave the Germans time to move their troops into place to defend Rome.  It took over four months to achieve the goal.

Pray we are never again involved in a world war.

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