Honey is bee regurgitation! Think about that.
Compass pointers do not point at the North Pole. They point at the magnetic pole. It's a totally different place.
What makes silver "sterling"? Silver is too soft to use for coins so copper is added. Silver coins contain 90% silver and 10% copper. In 1215, King John of England gave the rights to make British coins to a German family named Easterling because he felt they were so trustworthy. They dropped the "Ea" and marked the coins "Sterling". Sterling Silver contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. It is used in fine jewelry and dinnerware. So, check that spoon in your mouth - is it sterling?
Only female mosquitoes suck blood. Only female mosquitoes cause you to itch.
Adult mosquitoes live only a few weeks. Amazing how much trouble females can be.
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