

All the athletes from OSU are trained to say they went to "THE Ohio State University" on TV or radio.  Silliness.  There is a place that legally has that definite article; it is The Bronx.  This borough of New York City is correctly called The Bronx.  It just doesn't sound right and it's not right to say, "I'm from Bronx."  Incidentally, the term borough stems from the German word meaning fort or walled city.  If the Big Apple wants boroughs, it can have them.

Honey is bee regurgitation!  Think about that.
Image result for honey bee

Compass pointers do not point at the North Pole.  They point at the magnetic pole. It's a totally different place.
Image result for compass

What makes silver "sterling"?  Silver is too soft to use for coins so copper is added.  Silver coins contain 90% silver and 10% copper.   In 1215, King John of England gave the rights to make British coins to a German family named Easterling because he felt they were so trustworthy.  They dropped the "Ea" and marked the coins "Sterling".  Sterling Silver contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. It is used in fine jewelry and dinnerware.  So, check that spoon in your mouth - is it sterling?
Image result for sterling silver spoon

Only female mosquitoes suck blood.  Only female mosquitoes cause you to itch.
Adult mosquitoes live only a few weeks.  Amazing how much trouble females can be.
Image result for mosquito

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