

★I retired in July of 2012, about seven years ago. I think it was before that or right at that time that I decided never again to be a slave to time.  I stopped wearing a wrist watch.  (Of course, cell phones made that easier.)

I threw my watches into the top drawer of my dresser, never to be worn again.  Tuesday of this week, I uncovered one of them, an inexpensive Timex, while stowing my socks. 

What to my wandering eyes should appear but a second hand still moving.  Amazing!  The time was not correct nor the date but the day of the week was right-on (well, a one out of seven chance).  Timex was right - "They take a licking and keep on ticking." 

★Not long before I retired, someone took a picture of me at my desk in my office taking a power nap. (That sounds so much better than "sleeping")   I was pretty embarrassed when I first saw it - not so much any more.  I'm getting real good at naps.

★Old age doesn't creep up on you and slowly break you down like you might think.  My experience is that without you noticing it is even gaining on you, it pounces on your back and wrestles you to the ground.  It drains the oil out of your joints and contracts your muscles so that it is painful to stretch them.  Your brain is slowed, your metabolism is defunct, and your senses are dulled. The condition introduces you to the 'hereafter'. . . you go into rooms and say "what am I hereafter?"  The only alternative to old age is . . . okay, it's not that bad.

★Why did I think I would be such a great golfer once I had more time to spend playing?   Alas!  It just doesn't work that way. 

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