

June 6, 1944 was D-Day.  The five beaches where troops landed in Normandy, France were code-named Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword; American troops landed on Utah and Omaha, British and Canadian troops on the other three.  The operation left about 170,000 wounded and 37,000 dead Allied troops; 16,000 more died in air support.  Grim figures!
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The British rock band New Yardbirds, changed their name when they got to America to describe what some were saying would happen to them in the US market - that they would go over like a lead balloon.  Who knew the band, renamed Led Zeppelin, would build a Stairway to Heaven?

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Two weeks ago, SpaceX, Elon Musk's venture into space travel, launched it's Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Kennedy and put into Earth orbit sixty (60) satellites - all at once.  These are internet relay satellites.  The long term goal of SpaceX is to make a journey to Mars - with people aboard.  The electric car man has huge ideas.  He will be in history books decades from now.
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Major League Baseball had it's annual player draft this week.  Milwaukee chose Nick Bennett, a pitcher from Moeller H.S. in the third round and Pittsburgh chose Notre Dame pitcher, Cameron Junker who had pitched at Moeller, in the 10th round.  Two other Moeller grads are already in the minors: Zach Logue a pitcher with Toronto and Riley Mahan a catcher with Miami. 

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