For several years, the famous baseball player, Babe Ruth, put a notch in his bat each time he hit a home run - just like the gunslingers in the Old West did when they shot someone. Bats lasted longer back then.
We have discovered a far-away planet called 55 Cancri e that may have much of it's surface covered with diamond. We know it is made up of carbon-based material under high pressure and extremely high temperatures. It sits so close to it's "sun" that the near side would be over 3,000 degrees F at all times. Those diamonds might be too hot to handle.
Everyone knows the oceans are made up of salt water - but, how much? If all the oceans of the Earth dried up, the salt left over would be enough to build a wall 180 miles high, one mile thick, extending all the way around our planet at the Equator. The salt of the Earth!
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