

This is a primer for those of you whose eyes glaze over when you see or hear the word 'Brexit' on the world news.  Brexit is a portmanteau (ain't that a fancy word).  It is the combination (smushed together) of the words 'British' and 'exit.'  It, in short, means the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (EU).  The people of the UK voted to do this three years ago but it hasn't happened yet.

The EU allows all the countries that belong to use a single currency (the Euro) and all products sent between counties to move without tariffs.  It also allows it's people to move freely, without restrictions, from one country to the next.  Each country provides the others with defense against outside aggressors.  All supposedly agree on social issues.  The theory is that together they are better and stronger.

The Brits had a prime minister named David Cameron who put this issue of withdrawal on the ballot in 2016.  When the votes came in to leave the EU, he resigned and was succeeded by Theresa May.  She was asked to iron out all the issues with the UK's withdrawal - there were a lot of issues.  She couldn't get it done.

Earlier this year, Boris Johnson was elected Prime Minister.  He's working on it but it ain't easy.  Here is one of the big stumbling blocks. 

The EU is made up of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.

One of the big stumbling blocks in Brexit is that last one.  You see, Northern Ireland (just a few counties) is part of Great Britain.  They fought with the Irish for years over this land.  Since the EU came into being, the fighting has stopped.  People move freely to and from the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland. 

If the UK leaves the EU, what will they do with Northern Ireland?  Will they have to build a wall in the country to separate the UK part from the EU part? 

Stay tuned! 

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