

Do you save your pennies?  You should.  A friend tipped me off and I have verified that copper kills virus including the corona virus COVID-19.  In fact, copper kills most germs within hours of contact.  It seems that it disturbs the protective coatings of those nasty organisms and ruins any bad they want to do.  

This reminds me of something a friend once told me.  Rich Price said he was stopped by a cop one time after he had been drinking.  From the time he pulled his car over to the side of the road, he jammed a penny in his mouth.  He thought that it would either kill the smell of the alcohol or interfere with a breathalyzer test.  I have no idea if there is any validity to this, young friends.  So don't blame me if it doesn't work.  Of course, the cop may think you've lost your marbles when he asks you a question and pennies fall out of your mouth.  (this surely doesn't work with most 1943 pennies)

Back to  copper;  one test showed that a virus on copper was no longer infectious after 4 hours while the same virus on plastic can survive up to 72 hours.   

So now, what do you do with all this great information?   Well, "nothing" is probably the right answer.  Copper needs to oxidize to do it's damage to germs and virus.  Most of the copper products in your home are coated with something that does not allow them to oxidize.  Copper turns green under severe oxidation.   Your copper water pipes are probably doing a good job for you.

On the other hand, you shouldn't worry about killing virus - they're not alive in the first place.  Oh no, I've just confused you.   Forget it all - except the penny trick.  
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