

Civil wars are not very civil but they are everywhere.  Our Civil War has been in the news recently because there are those who would like to eradicate all vestiges of one side of the war if not both.  Most people refer to this war and THE Civil War.  Do they think it was the only one ever fought?  Not a chance.

Almost every country in the world has had what we would call a civil war - many have had multiple wars.  Our civil war was fought over "states rights" as far as the South was concerned.  Slavery was the key issue.  The North was firm in their stand that we needed to be one country with one set of laws - slavery was not within those laws.  Many died to settle that issue.

Most of the world's civil wars in recent history were or are being fought over who would govern and what type of governance the people desire.  Some others in the past had to do solely with religion.  Many of these wars end up with outside countries aiding, abetting or actually participating.  

It may surprise you to know that upwards of thirty (30) civil wars are ongoing at this time.  Certainly, you've heard of the Syrian Civil War.  It's been ongoing since 2011.  Russia, Turkey, Iran and the U.S. have stuck their noses into this battle from time to time.  

The War in Afghanistan is actually a civil war between tribes and government that has been going on since 1978 when the Soviet Union got involved.  Of course, now we're involved.  Nothing has ever been settled.  

Other notable civil wars that have never been settled are those between China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, Israel and Palestinians.   Each of these conflicts are essentially a civil war.

How crazy is it that people will kill their brothers over political differences; over power?  Maybe nothing has changed in the world since Cain became jealous of Abel.  How sad.

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