

This weekend at Catholic mass, you will hear for the third week in a row more parables recorded by Matthew.  I'd rather focus on the Old Testament reading we will hear from The Book of Kings.  It is the famous story of Solomon.  I will add, in my language, what comes before the reading and after for context. 

Solomon was the son of David; the great king of Israel and Judah.  Jerusalem was the City of David.  When Solomon became king, he married the Pharaoh of Egypt's daughter and brought her to Jerusalem.  

Solomon set about building his home in Jerusalem, plus a great temple to the Lord and completing a wall around the city for protection.  While all this was in progress, Solomon offered sacrifices to the Lord in the same manner as his father before him.  

One night, the Lord came to Solomon and said "Good job, young man.  I'll give you whatever you want."  Solomon answered, "I only ask for wisdom to govern this vast number of people in my kingdom."  God said, "I am pleased with your answer because you didn't ask for worldly things for yourself.  Because of this I will not only give you wisdom but riches beyond any on Earth."

One of Solomon's first duties was to decide a problem between two women who both claimed a newborn baby was theirs.  He offered to cut the baby in half and give half to each.  One said, "Okay" and the other cried "No, give it to her."  He gave the baby to the later.  The wisdom of this judgement is obvious.

This story brings to mind prayer.  Be critical about what you pray that God should do for you.  Please him with your prayers and you will be rewarded like Solomon.

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