

It looks like we will have a little Major League baseball this Summer.  Sixty games have been scheduled.  The odds are out on which teams are likely to win the World Series.  The Reds' odds are tenth among the 32 teams; second in our division behind the Cardinals.

Advice:  "If you want a better job, do a better job doing the job you have."  Sounds simple but many people would rather sulk than do a better job.  Sad!

Reportedly, the people of the Republic of Ireland have sent (so far) $1.8 million (collected via a "go fund me" account) to a Native American Indian tribe (the Choctaws) to help defray their expenses through the COVID-19 pandemic.  They say it is in repayment for money that tribe sent to Ireland in 1847 during the Potato Famine in which over a million Irish died.  The tribe sent $170 back then.  

When asked about American traitors, most people would bring up Benedict Arnold.  Don't let it leave your mind that the modern day worst was Aldrich Ames.  He was a CIA agent who made $2.5 million from the USSR by turning over Soviet double agents from 1975-1985.  He was responsible for the death of at least nine agents and the loss, for us, of valuable intelligence.  

When I was a kid, it was common language for someone to say they were 'rooked' if they felt cheated.  I don't hear that these days.  Interesting word, 'rook'.  It can be a crow, a chess piece, short for a rookie and more.  A rookery is a breeding area for birds in general.  Be alert to scams - don't get rooked!

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