

 I haven't had a flu shot (vaccination) in over 40 years.  My conscience, who also keeps house for me, suggested that this would be a good year for it.  Totally agreeable person that I am, I said, "You're right, let's do it.  I can't wait."

So, off we trek to a local dispenser of medicines - a supermarket.  How did that ever happen?   We walked, dutifully masked, into the Kroger store on Tylersville and my wife waited in line at the pharmacy with other good citizens to get applications to fill out for the injection.  

I don't do lines well, so I wondered around.  Not far away was a display of CBD products.  I thought this might help me make through the day so I picked up the cheapest thing they had - a tube of lip balm made with Full Spectrum Hemp Oil  It was less than four bucks - how could I go wrong?

At the pharmacy counter,  my bride was immediately rebuffed.  "We don't have any of the extra-strength doses - we ran out yesterday.  It might be a few days before we get more."  What was left unsaid was, "You two are obviously old and need 4 times as much vaccine to do the job."   I bought the lip balm and out we walked.

I was momentarily relieved at this point - then I was directed to drive to the Sharonville Kroger.  Same deal except they had the high powered doses.  The wait would be about twenty minutes.  Again, I wondered about.  

In the dairy department, because of my heritage, this caught my eye.  Irish Butter!  Who ever heard of such a thing?  On the box it guaranteed the butter was made from the milk of Irish cows.  All I could picture was some guy holding a tube under the drooling mouth of a cow and sending it off to 23andMe.  I had no idea they could do that.  
A little further along I found a jar of yellow stuff marked J U S T eggs.  Subtitle:  Made from plants not chickens.  Holey moley.   I'm sure they're good for you but why don't they tell what plants they use? 

When we got home from this ordeal, I took a nap and when I woke I had a sore arm and a very sore throat.  I was instructed to take my temperature to see if I had wondered into a corona while we were out.  No luck there -  I couldn't figure out how to use the thermometer.  I gargled - that usually does it.
Is this normal?

I didn't know what to do so I got out the little package of lip balm I had purchased. I applied the stuff. Even a young person would need a magnifying glass to read what was on the package.   It suggested that if you have a skin problem not to use it.  I thought that's what it was for.   It also said, "Be careful who you kiss...and where."  

I slept in on Saturday - Friday wore me out.

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