

Well, it looks like the pandemic is not going away any time soon.  I might as well throw in a little of my favorite information - right or wrong.  

I always like the technical stuff - here goes; in my own inimitable style.  COVID-19 is what we call the current disease ravaging the world.  It is caused by a virus.  

A virus is not a "living" organism.  It can't grow or reproduce on its own. It exhibits dormancy.  These little buggers just lie or float around until the find a living cell to which they can attach.  They actually use the biochemical activity of these living cells they contact.  Your skin cells are too tough for them.  They can't harm you there.  They look for juicy cells like those in your nose or throat or eyes.  Once there, they can grow and reproduce by the thousands.  Then, if your body doesn't fight them off, they might find more cells to their liking deeper down in your body.  This makes their attack systemic.  They can infect your body wherever they like.  Influenza (the flu), measles, polio, AIDS and COVID-19 are all diseases caused by viral (virus) infections.

Did I freak you out yet?   Next week 'bacteria' and the differences with virus.

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