

 This weekend at Catholic mass the feast of Christ the King will be celebrated.  It is the final Sunday of the liturgical year.  We're within one week of Advent already.  Time flies.

Two thousand years ago, all Jews were aware that someone would come, as promised in their scriptures (holy writings), to save them from the tyranny of the Romans who had taken their land and enslaved them.  They wrongly assumed that the person would be one who became so powerful that he would organize an army to defeat the Romans. 

They had been ruled by Herod the Great for only 37 years when Jesus was born.  Herod was a client king of the Roman Empire.  Before that, they were ruled by Maccabees kings for about 130 years.  And, before that, by Persians and before that by tribal leaders of their own nation.  They had not had a king from the House of David for almost 600 years.  That's a lot of generations; a lot of waiting. They were looking for a new king.  Someone like David or Solomon who they read about in their Temples.  

It is obvious that the Jews were not prepared for a king like the one God sent them.  One whose kingdom was not even of this world.  One who would not fight and only espoused love.   One who came to save all people - not just them.  One who would allow himself to be cruelly and unmercifully murdered in the spectacle of a crucifixion.  

God sent His son - there is no greater love than this - to give his life for all people.  He came to show us the way to His kingdom.

Rejoice in the King.

Have a great week.  I love you all.


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