

Here is some info that is very important as we go forward.  In a previous Pandemic-titled blog entry, I gave an overview of a virus.  I noted that we are fighting virus all the time; that typical maladies caused by a virus are "influenza (the flu), measles, polio, AIDS and COVID 19."  One of my bright daughters asked me why some of our vaccines totally wiped out a disease while others not so.  Of course, this was in our family discussion of the efficacy of a COVID 19 vaccine.  

Okay, small pox is a terrible disease that is caused by a virus.  Granted, we have totally kicked it's butt. 

But, if truth be known, that's not the case for many diseases caused by a virus.  We inoculate our children with an MMR or MMRV vaccine.  This protects them against  measles, mumps, rubella.(German or three-day measles) and varicella (chicken pox).   Actually, a second, fortifying inoculation is suggested for some of these.  

Now comes the stats: on average, the measles component is found to be 93% effective with one dose and 97% with two;  on average, the mumps component is found to be 78% effective with a single dose and 88% with two doses;  on average, the rubella component is found to be 97% effective with only one dose;  on average, the varicella component is found to be over 90% effective with only one dose.  It should be noted that vaccinated individuals who contract one of these diseases, usually have a less severe illness than those not vaccinated.

So now you know.  Don't be disturbed that the coming COVID 19 vaccine might only be only 90-something % effective -  that's the way these things work.  There is seldom a 100% eradication.  Everyone accepts that a flu 'shot' does not guarantee you won't contract the flu virus.  The same will probably be true for the COVID 19 'shot.'  

Now, about the flu virus.  These little suckers have been around for a long time.  We have catalogued four distinct types of virus causing the flu.  Our seasonal flu is caused by just two of those but they come in slightly different forms each year.  It takes a continual effort to keep up with the exact flu strain that we will encounter.  

How about the common cold?  Yes, a virus is the culprit here too - which one is hard to tell.  

Here's the rub; COVID 19, influenza and the common cold all start with similar symptoms and all are caused by a virus.  Now don't get depressed but there are over 200 different virus running around out there.  Virus are so small you need a special microscope for an expert to tell which is which.

So, what should we do, Dad?   

If you feel yourself getting sick, hit 'em hard.  Don't delay.  Fight the symptoms.  Eat well and sleep well.  The most effective tool you have to fight a virus once in your body, is a strong healthy body which translates to resistance.  Work on that.

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