I hate to get ripped off; I'm sure everyone hates to get ripped off. I'm talking about what stores, retailers of all kinds and restaurants charge for things; things that we put up with.
You probably have your own list. I'm sure if I gave it more thought I could come up with many more examples.
My personal number one rip-off that I put up with is restaurant wine. By the bottle or glass, it's outrageous what they charge for cheap wine. Why I continue to buy it, I don't know.
Now I'm going to name one for my wife. Movie theater popcorn. Unbelievable what they charge. That stuff is worth pennies. I don't fall for it but many do.
While I'm thinking of woman's things, how about beauty products especially anti-aging products. I won't make a comment about whether it really works because it could get me in trouble but the cost must be pennies for those creams.
There's another, that I don't come in contact with since I retired, but hotel mini-bars charge exorbitantly for those little munchies you just can't do without.
Finally, of course there is water. Not the water in our pipes, of course. Water sold in bottles. Probably the same water that's in our pipes. I just can't believe it.
What are your favorite examples?
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