Whoops! It's time for Cincinnati Sunday. Let me call your attention to a big, beautiful small business in the Mason, Ohio area just north of the Queen City. It is Prasco Labratories.
Prasco was founded in 2002 by E. Thomas Arington. It was an outgrowth of his working in a pharmacy when he was growing up in Shelbyville, Kentucky. Prasco has consistently been recognized as the growth leader in the pharmaceutical industry.
Arington's company, besides making generic drugs, latched onto an idea that put them first in the generic marketplace. His company is the leader of the Authorized Generic business. Prasco enters into partnerships with major branded drug manufacturers and gives them a low cost outlet to market their products under another name or when patents run out. Prasco's products, those that are Authorized Generics, are exact duplicates of the originals.
Prasco opened their new corporate headquarters in Mason in 2008 with a beautiful grounds. Part of their complex is a baseball field and stadium like no other in the area save for GABP. Colleges play there, college tournaments are held there; and last year, it was home to the Cincinnati Reds minor league operations during the Covid-shortened season. The minor leaguers will return there this year, I'm told. The baseball stadium is deluxe in every way including, absolutely free concessions. If you ever have a chance to attend a game there, don't let it pass.
Prasco - part of the best of Cincinnati.
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