"THE STONE REJECTED BY THE BUILDERS HAS BECOME THE CORNERSTONE." This is a line from Psalms - one that is used today. Have you heard this line and not thought about it? What does it mean?
Here we are in the weeks following Easter. All the readings in this period are basics about the founding, institution and spreading of the Church. This one line above from Psalms typifies that.
The cornerstone of a building is one that is intrinsic and necessary for the structure to stand. Jesus, of course, was the stone the builders rejected initially. The Jews, the 'chosen people', did not allow Him to establish a Church; they had him killed. Yet, He came back to be the lodestone, the basis for church. He did that by His death and resurrection.
God, for His part, sent His son into our world and allowed Him to be tortured and murdered in order to establish a Church. You, for your part, need to be a member of this Church.
Have a great weekend. May God bless you.
I love you.
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