

 What do you think of the distribution of wealth in our society?  In the middle ages, for instance the 14th century, there were basically three castes, levels, or estates into which all people could be placed.  It was a feudal system.   There were those that fought (noblemen and knights), those that prayed (priests, monks and nuns), and those who worked for a living.  The distribution was about 5% - 5% and 90%.  Only the first two sets of people were educated.  The only way to break into the first two groups was to become  educated.  In the following centuries, merchants who became wealthy were also able to upset the feudal  standards.  Even today, there is no way to break into the upper stratus of our society without education - unless you become a wealthy merchant.

Lent was a perfect time for the early Church to encourage fasting and abstinence.  In early Spring, Winter stores of food began to run out.  There was a shortage of meat because all farm animals have their young in the Spring.  It all fit well.

At last measure, a full 7% of the Irish barley crop goes into the making of Guinness beer.  

Seems like we could do away with the letter 'Q'.  All we'd have to do is change all the "QU" words to "KW".  The next generation of children would only have to learn 25 letters.  Keyboards would become smaller.  We could save kwintillions.  Let's do it kwickly.  

Real love requires sacrifice.  If your relationship is too easy, it may be missing something.

The Last Supper, remembered today,  was held in the Cenacle; the upper floor dining room.  On the first floor, was the tomb of King David.    

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