

 This weekend at Catholic mass, our readings will encompass the time during the Last Supper, the time shortly after Jesus death, the time at the end of the world.  Each part of it is future-looking.

In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Luke tells, as we've heard since Easter, about the works of the Apostles and disciples in forming a new church.  Much is to learn from the works of Paul, who originally worked for the Jews to persecute the Christians.  

In the reading from John's book of Revelations, he tells of God's bringing a new world to those who have passed; a world without death, mourning, wailing or pain.  It is a bright description of the afterlife.  He describes it as a new life.  

(Note that this book of the Bible was written about 70 years after Jesus' death and is attributed to a man named John, known as the seer.  This is not the Apostle John or the Baptist and probably not the Gospel writer although it was written in about the same period.)  

The Gospel reading is from John's literary version.  It is short and sweet.  It recounts a conversation Jesus had with eleven Apostles during or shortly after the Last Supper event.   His simple parting words were to the effect, "I give you a new commandment.  Love one another!  As I have loved you, so you should love one another.  This is how all will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

Have a great weekend.  I love you!


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