

 Okay, I've been under the weather and totally consumed last weekend with the athletic performance of one of my granddaughters.  So, I'm using an old entry for my quotes day.  I saw this when I was looking for Monday's RETRO DAY entry.  Hope you like it.



I have great respect for athletic coaches at all levels.  It is truly a blessed avocation or life's calling.  Coaches think a little differently than most people - it separates them from the crowd.  The very successful ones are not all well known but, those that are, should be noted.  Here are some quotes from a few of my favorites from the basketball world.

George Raveling - College basketball head coach at Washington State, Iowa and UCLA from 1972-1994.

"At some point in our lives, we must be willing to sail against the wind."

"In order to grow, we must be open to new ideas ... new ways of doing things ... new ways of thinking."

"More games are won during practice than during the game itself."

Jerry Tarkanian - College basketball head coach mostly at UNLV 1968-2002

"The more your players have to think on the basketball court the slower their feet get."

"Yelling doesn't win ball games.  It doesn't put points on the scoreboard.  Players do.  Preparation does."

John Wooden - College basketball head coach mostly at UCLA 1946-1975.

 "Champions never complain.  They are too busy getting better."

"A mistake is valuable if you do four things with it:  recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it."

"The eight laws of learning are: explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition and repetition."

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