

 I guess I'm a little late getting the Midweek Prayer out this week.  Of course, who knows when we hit the middle of the week?  At this moment, I'm feeling like I should say a prayer of thanksgiving.   You know, don't ask for anything - don't ask for help, just say thanks for everything I have and have been given.  You know that God really knows what you want and what you need - although it never hurts to be persistent and keep asking.  It just does my mortal mind good to say "thank you" once in a while.    (In the first person for a change.)

O Gracious God, I give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to me.  Mostly, I thank you for giving me your son - there is no greater gift - a gift that is available every day of my life.  Thank you for my health, the abundance of food and water, and the home in which I live.  I am so grateful for my family and for my friends; for my chance to work and to play.  I thank you for peace and freedom, for joy and beauty, for love and friendship, for both smiles and tears, for memories of the past and for hope of the future.  I ask for nothing today but your continued love and protection which I may not deserve but, I trust, is always there.  Amen

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