

 Okay, I'm not really looking for sympathy.  I just thought someone might have a suggestion for me in the future.  Once or twice a year, I come down with a sickness that is not too serious but it knocks me out for about a week.  It may be related to allergies, I don't know. It may be like a sickness no one else gets.  There should be something I can do about it when I know it's coming.  Here's the way it goes.

Last Saturday, at some point during the day, I felt a dryness; a slight soreness in the top of my palate or the far reaches of my mouth, the pharynx - the connection between nose, mouth and esophagus.  I knew this was a bad sign.  If I could do something at this stage it might stop the whole problem.  

On Sunday, I woke with the same feeling.  No real problem - just that feeling.  The start of a sore throat.

On Monday, some of my sinus cavities started working overtime.  Nose blowing often.

On Tuesday, more of sinus got into the act.  Nose blowing every fifteen minutes. Eyes, face and head ache.

On Wednesday, the sore throat intensified.  Nose blowing every half hour.  The lungs have been clear this whole time but now a terrible sounding cough comes into play.  Eyes, face, head and ribs ache.

On Thursday, I'm less miserable but still have all the symptoms.  In some years past, I've gone to the doctor for this.  When it is at this stage they call it pharyngitis.  A z-pac of antibiotics clears it up.  Doing nothing also clears it up.  I always think that if I do nothing my body would better handle it the next time - never works.  

 Does anyone else have this same experience?  What should I have done last Saturday or Sunday?

Oh, I took a COVID test on Tuesday and was negative.    


Greg Johnson said...

An old coworker of mine swore by Zicam. He said as soon as he gets the feeling you've explained at the very start of a cold he would start taking it and it would either curb the attack or, at minimum, it wouldn't be so severe. I haven't tried it myself, so enter at your own risk.


Greg, someone else suggested that. Next time I will try it for sure. Hope all is well with you and yours.