

Lest I forget, I was married to my beautiful bride 56 years ago today.  Maybe our anniversary lands on a Saturday every 56 years.  I'll write about in 2078 it if it does.

This weekend at Catholic mass we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.  For those of you who didn't take four years of Latin, that means the Body of Christ.  Yes, the great gift to all mankind.  God gave us His son and His Son gave us His body (in the Holy Eucharist); together they gave us the Holy Spirit to see us through to the end.  It is all about gift giving and gift receiving.  

The main line that separates the Catholic Church from most other Christian churches is it's belief in "the real presence."  Communion with God in the form of the eating of bread, in memory of the Last Supper, is available in most of these churches, but most others consider it only symbolism.  For us, it is more.  The Catholic Church takes the words of Christ literally and has from the beginning of the Church's existence. Those words are, "take and eat this bread ... this is my body; take and drink this wine ... this is my blood." and then "Do this in memory of me."  What a great gift.  Do not spurn a gift like this.  It is available almost every day and everywhere.  

This year on this day the Church has chosen to read Luke's Gospel account of the miracle of the 'loaves and fishes'.  Remember that the large crowd ate and was satisfied by what began as just a few fragments of food.  It was a precursor of what Jesus gave to us all before he died.  Food for our souls which will last forever.

Have a great weekend.  I love you.


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