

Get this!  I understand the flight from California, San Francisco area, to Hawaii is the longest leg over water on the planet without a possible diversion to land in case of trouble.  Scary!  Lose an engine on that trip and you either go on to Hawaii or go back to where you started.  

I was thinking about "super heroes" the other day and how popular they are with young people in modern culture.  I went on to find a list of about 50 characters in comic books and/or movies that you could call a superhero.  Fifty!!!  I had no idea there would be that many.  

You've heard of the MiG line of jet fighter warplanes made by the Russians and used, notably, by the Chinese.  Here's the history.  MiG 1 was produced in 1940.  The MiG stands for the designers, Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich. (i is and) They are up to about MiG 35 now - just as the U.S. is flying F-35s.  These are now called 5th generation fighters.  

I don't like scary movies and I'm not scared to say it.  But maybe I should like them.  I saw this in print the other day - it MUST be true.  Watching a scary movie can burn as many calories as a 30-minute walk.  Could that be true?   If it is, I may change my attitude toward the genre.  

I saw a note the other day that Bishop Fenwick High School in Middletown has a Robo Kai team.  No, I didn't have the slightest idea what that was either.  Not only did they have one, in it's second year, they finished first in our state and second in the world in competition, tops in innovation and traveled to Houston for the world championships.  I'm not going into it too deeply here but suffice it to say Robo Kai has to do with robotics.  These kids are making electronic things do things.  

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