

 Before I get started, I have to relate an old story that goes something like this:  I sat on top of the roof of my house as the water from the flood filled my home.  A man in a row boat oared by and offered to take me with him but I said, "No, I have great faith that my God will save me; go rescue someone else."  The water kept rising. Shortly after that a man paddled by in a canoe and offered to take me to dry land but I said "No, I have great faith that my God will save me; go rescue someone else." The water kept rising.  Just before the water reached my rooftop, the fire department boat came by to take me to dry land but I said, "No, my God will save me. I'll be ok."   Shortly after that I drowned.  When I got to Heaven, I told God I was disappointed that He did not save me from the flood.  God said to me, "I sent a row boat, a canoe and a motorboat to get you. What more did you want?"  Enough with the frivolity.

Today, instead of a prayer, I have a story about prayer; about someone's prayer and, like many of us, that someone initially wondering why their prayer was unanswered.  The best I can tell, the gist of this was written by a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian or a . . . you get the picture, everyone would like to claim it.

I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.  I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.  I asked for prosperity and God gave me brawn and brains to work.  I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome.  I asked for patience and God gave me situations where I was forced to wait.  I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help.  I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities.  I asked for everything so I could enjoy life and God gave me life so I could enjoy everything.  

My prayers were answered; I received nothing I wanted but everything I needed.  If you have faith, all things have meanings.

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