

The skin cells that make up your lips are different from all other skin cells on your body except you anus.  You are the same, coming and going.  It's alimentary Mr. Watson.

NFL quarterbacks are in control of the footballs their team supplies for each game.  (Remember when Tom Brady got into a pinch over underinflated balls)  Joe Burrow of the Bengals insists that their game balls be brought to proper air pressure outside the equipment room and on the field of play before each game.  A science lesson is in order.  Hot air expands.  Filling a ball with air in a cool area and then taking the ball outside to a warmer condition would cause the ball to become more rounded and harder to handle and throw.  Little things mean a lot.

There are 193 countries in the world.  Currently only 24 of them maintain an embassy or consulate in North Korea.  It is difficult to carry on trade, commerce, travel, promote investment and reap the benefits of tourism when a country is so isolated.  

When did the silliness of "woke America" begin?  It might go back to 1979 when the feminists convinced the World Meteorological Center to start naming Atlantic hurricanes with male names as well as female.    Names of significant storms are retired not to be used again.  From 1954 thru 1978, 26 female names were retired.  It's interesting to note that there is now a six year cycle of names that are used for Atlantic storms.  If you want to see when and if your name comes up, go to

China and India each have a billion more people than the USA.  We're losing the people race.

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