

 Once upon a time on a farm far, far away, the sheep were grazing; ewes, rams and lambs, on their idyllic meadow.  The female sheep were guarding their lambs and teaching them the ways of life in their little part of the world.  

On the shores of a huge lake nearby, cranes of various breeds walked while chatting loudly to each other.  They bent their long necks and pecked at the ground in search of food.  They'd take a dip in the water once in a while but preferred to walk around on the grounds nearby.  

One day, a few of the cranes were out testing their wings and flew over the flock of ewes. They noticed that every ovine creature had it's head bent to the luscious ground enjoying food as they inched along.  They reported that to all the other cranes at the lake and told them that their food looked much better than what they had around the shore.

And so it was, that the cranes decided that they should enjoy the food found in the ewe's meadow.  They rushed into the meadow and just started eating.  They thought the ewes would go away and give part of the meadow to them.  Surprise! Surprise!  The ewes would have none of that.  The mama sheep would fight for their lambs.  They felt the meadow was theirs.  

The cranes became more belligerent and started dropping poop on the sheep and their meadow.   The cranes were ruining the meadow -  in areas, nearly all the grass was destroyed.  There were many more cranes than sheep.  The cranes were destroying what they came to get.

Now there were many other animals on the farm and they didn't like what they saw the cranes were doing to the ewes.  They didn't want the same fate to befall them.  The cows and cattle sent hay to help the sheep.  That kept the sheep going but didn't deter the cranes.  Can this go on forever?  Will grass ever grow back on the meadow where the cranes destroyed it?  Will the other farm animals ever get more involved?  

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