

 We're nearing the end of August; the month named for Augustus Caesar.  Did you notice that July, named for Julius Caesar and August are two of the 31-day months?  Of course, they were head of the Roman Empire at different times and demanded that their months be as long as any other.

I've written about calendars many times and I was looking for a good entry to copy today - I didn't find one but came across this which I thought pretty good.  It's from two years ago and is about numbers.  Enjoy!



Every decision you've ever made in your life has contributed to you reading my blog at this minute.  

Our universal numbering system allows the people of the world to work together.  Every profession uses numbers.  Thank goodness we all agree on them and what they mean.  You know, we don't all agree on language.  We can't talk to people all over the world but, at least, we can count with them. 

Yes, we have ten numbers including zero and a magic decimal point.  It is called the decimal system or base ten numbering system.  We got it from the Arabs.  It is far better than the Ancient Romans and the NFL, who use the numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.   Long before the Romans, they didn't have any numbers except 'one,' 'some', and 'many'. 

Not everyone is real excited about our ten number system.  The disagreements started with the clock and calendar people.  Why did we end up with 12 months in a year instead of ten?  Why 24 hours in a day and not 10 or 20?  There you go!  Now you're feeling it;  60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour; did you notice everything is divisible by six?  This could be "base six."  Then the bakers got into the 'six' business;  donuts sold by the dozen.  Then the brewers;  six-packs of beer, 12-packs and 24 in a case.  Everything divisible by six.  It even crept into our golf game; 18 holes of golf!  Did they have to pick a number divisible by six?

If you really want to know why we use 10 numbers to count, take a look at your hands and feet. 

I don't want to throw you for a loop but computers talk to each other using only two numbers, 1 & 0.

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