I read this on X today and it jogged a vivid memory.
"It wasn't an authentic 70s swing set if one of the legs wasn't popping out of the ground in a concerning fashion once somebody really got going on [it]."
Oh yeah! We had one like that. I set it up when we moved to our home in West Chester. My kids were about 8, 6, 5, and 1. It had a spike and chain attached to each metal leg that was supposed to keep those pipes in place - no way, that just didn't work. I sweated many hours trying to figure out a way to make it safe, but couldn't get it done. Of course, my kids survived without any great calamities.
A few years later, my son did suffer a fractured arm on someone's swing-set - not sure if it was ours. Ours looked something like this.
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