You know I love words. I found some that are all new to me. A British guy wrote a book in 1909 that recorded slang from that era and before. It's a treasure. I could guess some of these but not many until explained. See if you can guess what they mean.
Mutton shunter. Noun - a policeman.
Gigglemug. Noun - Someone who smiles all the time.
Fly rink. Noun - a polished bald head.
Juggins-hunting Verb - Looking for someone to buy a drink for you.
Sauce-box. Noun - Mouth
Bags O' Mystery Noun - Sausages
Arf'arf'an'arf Adjective - Drunk
Gas pipes Noun - Trousers which are too tight
Pumblechook Noun - Asshole, jerk
Row-de-row Noun - Fight or Riot
Now, see if you can work one of these into a conversation this week. Please don't refer my fly rink.
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