

I have no idea why I appear to be fixated on toilet issues.  I wrote an entry back on May, 7 concerning this and here comes additional information.  This information is based on an article by Arthur Cook who, it seems, is all about tree nurturing.

It takes about 17 trees to make a ton of toilet paper.  Do you think a ton of toilet paper sounds like a large quantity?  According to the US Forest Service, the average American uses 36 rolls of TP per year.  Do you think that doesn't sound like very much?  Read on!  Based on their figures, that means the whole country uses 27 billion rolls in one year.  Billion!!    The World Wildlife Fund estimates that to make that much TP,  27,000 trees must be cut down each day.  EACH DAY!  Twenty-Seven Thousand trees each day.  That adds up to almost 10 million trees per year! Do we have that many trees?  What about newspapers, junk mail, cardboard boxes, bank statements, stock reports, wrapping paper, books, magazines, parking tickets?  Wow!  

So, now I'm really worried.  Even though I don't have that long to live, will the trees run out before I'm gone? 

Friends, for the sake of all that is sacred in our society, go out and plant a tree today - preferably one with large, soft leaves.  Get the picture?

This entry was made with one of my sons-in-law in mind.  It is Scot's birthday, today, and he could get out of the ICU if, among other things, he could demonstrate that he could make the trip from bed to bathroom without assistance.  I hope there is TP in there.  

 Wish Scot a happy birthday! 

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