

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰One more thing related to the Olympics.   This came as a surprise to me.  Beginning in 1912, an influential group was able to convince the Olympic Committee to include contests of the mind as well as those of the body - mind and muscle.  For about forty years, there was a Pentathlon of the Muses.  Honored were contestants bringing Architecture, Literature, Music, Fine Art and Sculpture.  All contestants were required to create new material related to sport.  If I were born fifty years sooner, I could have been an Olympic contestant with my poetry or art.  Too Bad.  (These are my hidden talents and they are archived in this blog - just search)

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Check out this list:  Bran Cereal, Cottage Cheese, Fish, Whole Wheat Bread, and Chicken Noodle Soup.  Sound like a healthy diet to you?  It sounds good to me. Well, these are five foods to avoid or watch out for if you are trying to control your blood pressure.  Mostly, they are all usually loaded with salt.  

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Do you have programs or devices that require you to enter a 4-digit PIN number.  I do.  So someone studied millions of the PINs people use and here are the most common.  This list is in order from 1 thru 10:  1234   0000   7777   2000   2222   1111   1212   1004    4444    6969.   More than a quarter (27%) of all people use one of these numbers.  If you use one of these you are not alone.  You are an idiot, but not alone.  

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