

 I've never like being doubted.  I never ask someone to reconsider.   When I say "No!" that's final.  When I say "Yes!"  that's final.  I expect others to be the same way.  I don't want to be badgered and I don't want to badger others. 

Well, others are not like that.  How often do people ask you to reconsider?  How often do they ask, "Are you sure?"  Too often for me. 

Now I'm going to tell you that I wish I weren't that way.  I was a decent sales person but I could have been better.  I wanted to build a relationship that could mean many future sales.  It goes along with wanting to be liked.  That can be a problem depending on your goals.  

"Don't take "No" for an answer" is an old axiom of sales.  The attitude a good salesperson has to have is that "No" is the beginning of a negotiation or at least, it is the beginning of a conversation.   

Why do I tell you this?  Be patient with me.  I may look 'put off' if you ask me to do something more than once.  Sorry!   I may even change my mind.  Not usually.  

The Gospel writer, Matthew, quoted Jesus as saying "Let your NO mean NO and your YES mean YES."  That's pretty good advise, I'd say.  

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