

On this date in 1836, Sam Houston was elected president of Texas. The battle with Mexico at the Alamo had occurred earlier that year.  

The outlaw, Jesse James, was born on this date in 1847.  After terrorizing law enforcement in the midwestern U.S. for some time, he was killed by a gunshot to the head at age 34.  

In 1876, the Sioux, behind Chief Crazy Horse, defended their territory and defeated General Custer's U.S. forces in the battle at Little Big Horn, Montana.  On this date a year later, Crazy Horse had been captured and was killed in captivity by a soldier for refusing to be confined in a cell.   

On this date in 1906, Bradbury Robinson, the quarterback for Saint Louis University, threw the first forward pass in football history to Jack Schneider.  It went for a touchdown against Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin and a new era was born.

In 1923 on this date, two flyweight boxers, Gene LaRue and Kid Pancho, KO'd each other simultaneously.  I'm pretty sure the fight was declared a draw.

At the Olympics in 1960 on this date, Cassius Clay won the light heavyweight boxing gold medal. About 4 years later, after knocking out Sonny Liston, he changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

On this date in 1976, the Muppet Show premiered.  Were you watching Sesame Street then?

People born on this date are under the astrological sign of Virgo; the Virgin! They are noted as picky, exacting, and critical.  They use this attitude to serve and help others.  Among those born under this sign are Queen Elizabeth I, King Louis XVI, Michael Jackson and Andrew Sizer.  

Happy Birthday, Andrew!  

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