

South African senior professional golfer, Gary Player said last week that he knew of PGA tournament players that used performance enhancing drugs. The sport seems to be moving toward some sort of control. I suppose there will soon be Dixie cups to pee into in the locker rooms of our prestigious country clubs.

I don't buy it. Professional golfers just don't seem like the type. This sport rewards flexibility more than muscle. I don't see any of them with melon heads like Giambi or Bonds. Now, John Daly has a melon belly but I don't think beer is considered a performance enhancing drug. Phil Michelson is probably not using drugs but, if he is, he's mistakenly taking estrogen. Those boobs gotta go. Tiger is the most muscular of the bunch. He could be a user. If he is, would they engrave an asterisk next to his name on the Claret Jug?

I really hope it doesn't come to drug screening of golfers. If drugs were found, it would put a serious crimp in the sales of golf equipment. Right now, every golfer believes that the newest golf ball goes further and the newest golf club hits it further. Year after year - further and further. Average Joe golfer wants to believe its the equipment that is holding him back. If he thinks drugs are the answer, there is no stopping drug use in this country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steroids come is all shapes and sizes. Many pitches in MLB are on steroids but you wouldn't know it. The steroid they tend to use is one that allows them to recover faster so they can have less rebound time in between starts. It also keeps them going through each of their 30-40 starts in a season. There are several differents strands of steroids including ones that increase flexibility while not showing the typical signs of steroid use (square melons, large muscles, acne). It is very possible for any golfer to be on steroids. I think Tiger is just drugged out on desire and dedication.