

We measure pregnancies in trimesters - three three-month periods.

  • The first trimester is the adjustment period. Finding out and getting used to being pregnant. There is some rough going while your body gets used to its new situation. Hormones are running wild. You wish at this point that you were in the second trimester and sometimes you dress and act like you are there. Its a good period but you don't know it.

  • The second trimester is the best period. You are comfortable being pregnant now. You have a good feeling about yourself and about your looks. You feel as healthy as you ever have. Your friends remark about the 'glow' you have.

  • The third trimester is the "OK, I'm about ready for this to be over" period. You are now becoming uncomfortable. You know you've stopped looking so good. Instead of congratulating you, people are now starting to feel sorry for you. Each day there is less and less that you can do. This trimester sucks more and more as each day passes.

It came to me today that the normal lifespan of a healthy person is now about 90 years and that we could look at this lifespan in the context of trimesters; under 30, 30 to 60, or over 60. Now reread the descriptions above, man or woman, and find your trimester. Does it fit?

Mine? Yes, ........more and more as each day passes.

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