

 One of the great lessons we have to learn in life is how to restart.  If you think I mean the computer when it is haywire, not exactly - although that does work a lot of times.  I'm talking about starting your life anew - especially after a huge disappointment.  Let it go.  Don't dwell on it.  

Each bad day is followed by a new day - a new beginning.  It is an opportunity.  Look forward.  A new day is dawning.

Now we have a new year.  Another opportunity.  Don't let the past drag you down.  Don't let the past limit your vision for the future.  Be a new person if that is what you need to be.  Whatever you are - you can be better.  I borrow Mariemont AD Tom Nerl's favorite adage:  "If better is remotely possible, then good is not nearly enough."  As for you, I'm sure better IS possible.  

Be assured, you CAN teach old dogs new tricks.  Don't limit yourself.  Think beyond self-improvement this year - go to self-enrichment.  Learn/study something you always wanted to do but never thought you could.  You can.  Don't be discouraged if it takes you some time - keep at it.  You can do it.

Enough of my preaching.  I hope you all have a very happy, prosperous and blessed year ahead.  Be kind to the elderly . . . and those who got a new puppy for Christmas.  


Anonymous said...

Tom made your blog! πŸ‘
Great advice!

Anonymous said...

Juggling has always been a secret passion of mine. I think I’ll go for it this year 😜

Anonymous said...

I’m inspired to do something new! HNY

Stacey Fuhrman said...

I am inspired to try something new! Happy New YearπŸŽ‰