

After a late breakfast on the beach yesterday, everyone went swimming and snorkeling. The water is bathtub warm and clear as glass. A manatee was spotted. They're a bit rare in these open waters. More sand dollars were today's prizes for the kids.

I got a great new I-Pod from my kids that counts for Fathers Day, my birthday, my anniversary, Christmas and New Years.

We skipped lunch because we were dining in style at the 5-star Beach Bistro and had early reservations. It was wonderful as usual. We were following the U.S. Open on Frank's Blackberry while we were eating and drinking.

Back at the house, we watched the last few holes of the golf tournament and screamed when Tiger sank the putt on 18. Then we settled in for the NBA finals. Ben and I stayed with it to the end.

I went for my usual walk this morning. The tide was way up and it forced me to walk in the soft sand. That's a lot tougher on your joints. It seems to me that there is no time left once you get done with eating and drinking and walking and swimming and eating and drinking. I don't know if I could take this all year round.

Sure I could.

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