

Yes, I'm on holiday...in Florida, no less. The flight here was near perfect until we made final descent into West Palm Beach. Things got a little bouncy due to a local storm. A low pressure system is circling the area and, off and on. dropping much needed rain on the Treasure Coast. The lake behind my daughter's house is very low from the drought. It doesn't matter a bit to me. We aren't here for the weather.

We had a short layover in Atlanta. After a bite to eat, I went into people watching mode. Thousands of people were walking and talking and eating and scratching. What struck my mind was how every single person seemed to have a different face. How could this be? Our Maker has put together billions of people in the time in which we are aware. As best I can tell, every one has a different face...billions of different faces! Of course, I'm not sure of this because I haven't seen them all...but, it seems to be true. How long can this go on? Is there no end to it? Wont He have to re-use some of the faces eventually? I have a suggestion for Him if he does some recycling...don't re-use mine.

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