

This is the Thursday before Easter.  This weekend is the most holy time for Christian religions.  The weekend remembers the final days of Jesus - the Last Supper with His apostles; the arrest, conviction and Crucifixion; the burial and then Resurrection or rising from the dead.  Without this weekend, Jesus was a mere prophet - with it, he is God.

Thursday is set aside for the Last Supper - their Passover meal.  Many parts of the supper are significant - the breaking of the bread; the sharing of the wine; the betrayal of Judas.  One that is overlooked, I fear, was a custom of the time. 

Two thousand years ago, what passed for shoes were what we call sandals.  No roadways were paved and the region was very hot and dry.  Every worker or traveler's feet were dusty and dirty.  Foot sores were very dangerous for them. 

It was a custom, in homes of the well-to-do, to have a servant wash the owner's feet when entering from outside.  On this day, Jesus washed the feet of the Twelve before they ate their meal.  The lesson here is straight forward.  Serve others - don't put yourself ahead of anyone - serve others. 

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