

Here's a story I considered keeping to myself.  I'll try to handle it delicately.

On our way back from Florida last Wednesday, we had a two-hour mid-afternoon layover in Atlanta .  We had a sandwich at TGI Friday's and went to our gate area to wait for boarding.  While sitting in the gate waiting area, all-of-a-sudden I was attacked by severe abdominal pains . . . stomach cramps, if you will...big time.  This is something foreign to me.  It was painful.  It was gas . . . I assumed.  When they didn't subside after a few minutes, I went to the restroom.  I was right.  Wow!  Lots of gas . . . for no good reason.  I had a turkey sandwich and water at Friday's.  Long embarrassing minutes in the restroom cured me.  It was an amazing experience.

After we got back to town, we stopped at O'Charley's for dinner.  Over dinner, we were discussing the trip and all of our experiences.  That's when it hit me!  Duh!  Breakfast.

That morning, I was up early to see Scot off to work.  Daughter Stacey was the only other one awake.  She seemed disappointed I wouldn't accept her offer to fix some eggs or pancakes.  I had a bowl of cereal, which is my norm, and ate it while looking through the Face Book app on my iPad.  I finished the Raisin Bran and had some milk leftover in my bowl.  Rather than throw the milk away, I threw in a little bit of a cereal they had called Kashi GOLEAN Crunch.  It was like eating sticks and stones but supposed to be good for you.

As I finished up the cereal, I came to a Face Book post by my friend Jim Steele.  He wrote "Be careful with Kashi GOLEAN Crunch."  What a coincidence!  I even showed it to Stacey and we had a good laugh.

Here are some of the comments attached to his post:
"Either you are wishing you had a bidet right about now or you are shaking like a dog trying to pass a bone.  Hang in there and remember that beach body you are striving for comes at a price."
"Sebas - picture the toilet scene from Dumb and Dumber."
"Poor Jim!"

Why I didn't put it all together sooner is beyond me.  I'll just reiterate Jim's warning.  "Be careful with Kashi GOLEAN Crunch!"

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