

The Friday night softball league got it's season started a week late this year.  We lost another team from our league this year so we are down to six.  That means that two teams play a double-header each week.  We were one of the lucky ones to start by playing two.

The thermometer hit 86 an hour before the first game.  I had to get there a half-hour early because that half-hour was my spring training.  Never have I gone to a first game so ill-prepared.

We have all the same players as last year.  Mark Trice is still keeping score - he's in his sixties and has had several knee operations.  Mark's son Marty plays right-center.  Mark's son-in-law Tony Eggleton, Megan's husband, is our catcher.

Bradley Schuh plays third; he will graduate from high school next week.  His dad, Tim, pitches now that my reaction-time is measured with an hourglass.  Tim's brother-on-law, my insurance man Trevor Lemmel, plays shortstop if he shows up. Tim's brother, Tom, plays outfield.  Andy Schuh, Terry's son who put my concrete walkway in, plays right.

Coach Greg Ramminger's son, Ryan, plays second because his knees are all screwed up.  He blew one out playing for us two years ago.  He just graduated from Miami and brings new hotties to our cheering section each year.  If you're keeping score, the Rammingers are related to the Lemmels and Schuhs by marriage. Mike Warren plays outfield . . . he was married to a Schuh but no longer.

Our left-centerfielder is Dave Mott who coached my son baseball in the eighth grade.  His new son-in-law, Greg Johnson, is our shortstop.
My dentist, Mark Corcoran, is still on the roster but hasn't played for years.  Each time I see him he talks about a comeback.

Chris Geiger played infield for us for a few years while he was in the seminary.  He was ordained a deacon last week so he has limited time for us now.  He will be a priest next year.

That's about it.  Everybody is related to somebody else on the roster in some way.

Oh yes, Ho Hum.  We won two games.  I was 1 for 5.

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